Thursday, March 20, 2008

I somehow feel better than I did before.

Somehow, I forgot to cross-post St. Patrick's Day posts over here. Ah, well. I've decided to keep it in my heart ALL the year long, so if I do it later, it'll still be topical. Right? ...Right?

Things are going to be hectic and in-and-out for a while--family-ing, catting, dentisting, etc--so I thought I'd forewarn, for once.

But before I go:

I just finished reading a transcript of Obama's recent speech in its entirety. Here it is.

You've probably heard a lot about it, seen plenty of headlines, heard little clips. But you really should read it yourself (or watch it, there's a video link, there, too), if you haven't already. It is so, so much better than deserves to be relegated to a redux on the news (or even the Daily Show). It deserves more than a report of how good it is.

It is so much better than that. It is, really and truly, worth the time it takes to read it.

And how often can you say that about a political speech?

Please, please let this man be my president.

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